Disclaimer and Notice


Data and search results on this website are provided for your information only. You must not, without the written approval of Transport for NSW:

Transport for NSW may terminate your right to access and use this website at any time.


This information is provided as a guide to assist provisional licence holders, their families and employers to determine if a particular vehicle is likely to be allowed or prohibited from use under the high performance vehicle restrictions scheme.

All care has been taken by Transport for NSW to ensure that the vehicle's restriction status is correct. The data presented on this website has been sourced from a variety of government and industry based sources.

Transport for NSW recommends that you use this guide as a first step and suggest that you verify the status of the vehicle with the relevant vehicle manufacturer or its authorised agent.

Transport for NSW is not liable for any loss or damages (other than in respect of any liability which may not lawfully be excluded) relating to your use of, or reliance on, search results and data contained in the Transport for NSW high performance vehicle restrictions website.

The Licensee acknowledges that it will use the information subject to the terms of the above disclaimer and notice.

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